Biden's fear of alienating the radical left kept him from demonstrating any sense of leadership and might cost him re-election, says Greg Swenson

Biden's fear of alienating the radical left kept him from demonstrating any sense of leadership and might cost him re-election, says Greg Swenson

Greg Swenson spoke to GB News about Biden and Trump

GB News
Greg Swenson

By Greg Swenson

Published: 13/05/2024

- 14:01

Updated: 13/05/2024

- 16:32

'In a close election he cannot afford to lose the pro-Hamas voters in Dearborn, Michigan, an important swing state'

President Biden’s brief remark Thursday was too little and too late. The antisemitic violence on university campuses was well out of control before Biden mustered up the energy to make a comment, and only after the police had arrested many and restored order at Columbia, UCLA and other schools.

His fear of alienating the radical left wing of his party kept him from demonstrating any sense of leadership, and very well might cost him re-election in November.

He offered the right message in his two-and-a-half minute talk, emphasising the importance of free speech, as long as it is peaceful and lawful.

However, he couldn’t help himself and of course mentioned “Islamophobia” to appease his left flank. Moral relativism is one of his less attractive traits.

Joe Biden

Gren Swenson has slammed Joe Biden


His comments were scripted, short and teleprompter dependent, and he did not take questions.

The protests are a symptom of the deterioration of higher education. Americans respect freedom of speech and the right to protest, but not breaking the law.

University administrators at some of the most elite institutions have appeased and accommodated the extremists rather than protecting the law-abiding students.

They tolerated antisemitic hate and intimidation of Jewish students. The protests turned into riots and student takeovers of academic buildings.

This was arguably the worst campus unrest since the late 1960s. Only after weeks of appeasement did the universities call in the police.

The protesters support a terrorist organisation that endorses genocide, rapes and sadistically kills. But it goes beyond Israel - they are anti-American, anti-western, anti-capitalist anarchists.

Many are not students, but professional paid agitators. When the New York Police Department was called in to evict the radicals from Hamilton Hall at Columbia Wednesday and arrested over three hundred, less than half were actual students.

These travelling vandals are funded by organisations such as Soros-backed Open Society.


Palestine protest Columbia University

Pro-Palestine protesters encamped on Columbia's campus for days


80 per cent of Americans side with Israel, so the protesters do not represent a popular movement.

Why did President Biden choose to ignore the crisis and appease the radical wing? Politics. In a close election he cannot afford to lose the pro-Hamas voters in Dearborn, Michigan, an important swing state.

So instead of taking the moral high road and encourage university presidents to protect Jewish students, he chose accommodation. He missed a great opportunity to lead and chose election calculus.

It is important to note that not all universities are led by weak administrators, and most students do not agree with anarchists.

At large universities in red (Republican) states the governors and school presidents did not tolerate lawlessness and managed the protests with the common good in mind.

And many students have shown pro-American patriotism on their campuses. Even in liberal New York the mayor praised the police and criticised the anarchists.

The highlight of the week was the flag raising at the University of North Carolina. The fraternity brothers (“Frat Bros’) stood up to the mob and replaced the American flag on the quad, that had removed by the protesters.

The photos went viral and well over 500 thousand dollars have been raised to celebrate the moment. Not all universities are complaint in the hate crimes and antisemitism.

\u200bClashes between protesters at UCLA

Protesters at UCLA clashed with the police


Biden once again has appeased the radical left out of fear of losing Michigan. One thinks of Dwight Eisenhower sending federal troops to protect young black students in the 1950s.

Biden allowed Jewish students to be harassed- he said and did nothing. Add this pathetic moment to the long list of his failures- Afghanistan, inflation, appeasement of Iran and the deliberate opening of the border.

We can expect the anarchists to move to Chicago for the Democratic National Convention in August, which could be a replay of the 1968 convention with riots in the streets.

The difference this time is the soft on crime culture in Chicago- a radical progressive mayor and a Soros backed prosecutor, as opposed to the tough on crime Mayor Richard Daley.

Yes, there were ugly pictures of police beating anti-war protesters who had turned against an unpopular war, but the majority of the country was pro-law and order and Nixon went on to win comfortably.

This time expect the blue state government to allow the protesters to riot, showing the world the outcomes of appeasement to the mob.

There is reason Biden is polling behind Donald Trump in all of the swing states.

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